25 Funny Times People Noticed A Glitch In The Matrix
25 Funny Times People Noticed A Glitch In The Matrix
These coincidences are so surprising, they might be glitches in the matrix!
The people who took these photos couldn’t believe their eyes when they witnessed these coincidences. What were the chances? The situations in this gallery were so unlikely to happen, witnesses couldn’t help but wonder “Is this a glitch in the matrix?”… because it looks like something very weird, paranormal stuff is going on here. Check out these unbelievable coincidences and share the fun with your friends!
1. Wow, what were the chances of this happening?
2. When you go to a concert and run into… yourself?
3. I think there’s been a mix-up here! Have they switched wives?
4. Jeans? Jacket? Hair? Check, check, and check!
5. Three girls wearing the same color, with the same hair color, in the same room, on the same row.
6. It’s not every day you meet someone who looks like you and wears the same thing!
7. I thought I’m seeing double!
8. Hey, there’s another one of you, behind you!
9. These girls share the same taste in hairstyle and fashion. And since they’re in the same place, they probably have even more things in common.
10. Yes, there’s two of them! Can you count all the things they have in common?
11. This is too big of a coincidence! They even wear the same sneakers!
12. Haha! I think they all shop at the same store.
13. You’re not seeing double!
14. I bet they’re reading the same newspaper, too.
15. I wonder if they’re friends.
16. These two men have the exact same haircut.
17. The mother of all coincidences! I just love Keanu Reeves, he’s such a cool guy.
18. I’m pretty sure they’re twins. They must be, right?
19. This is such a surprising coincidence. Three blonde women wearing green jackets having lunch with three women wearing red.
20. A double glitch in the matrix! Two pairs of twins, maybe?
21. Such a cool coincidence!
22. These two guys don’t know each other, but they sure look like they belong together.
23. I wonder if they know each other!
24. The longer you look, the more things you’ll find they have in common.