25 Users Showed How Different Instagram Is From Reality, and It Can Make You Way More Confident
According to the Royal Society for Public Health (RSPH), Instagram is the most harmful social media for psychological health. Every day, we are disappointed when we start comparing our lives to the photos online without even thinking about how these perfect pictures were created. Fortunately, there are users who are ready to reveal what their lives look like without photoshop and filters.
votreART is happy to show the photos that will not only give you confidence, but will also improve your mood.
Before and after taken about 30 seconds apart
Nobody looks good in the morning.
Everything depends on the angle.
Trash looks bad no matter where it is.
“I love taking photos on the beach.”
It’s not just bodies and faces that get tune-ups on Instagram. The locals would be amazed to see the photo on the left.
Each successful photo actually means there were hundreds of failed attempts.
The photos I share vs The photos I’m tagged in
A black eye given by a unicorn
It appears that the rainbow is fake.
This is what’s behind a perfect life.
It’s always like this.
If people posted their real photos from the gym
10 minutes after cleaning and 10 hours later
Behind the stage of perfect photo
Just imagine what the process looked like.
On hot days, you really need water-resistant makeup.
Before the party / after the party
This is the same girl.
There is something wrong with this photo.
Some people look like aliens in their photos.
It should be prohibited to tag people in photos.
Instagram vs Real-life motherhood
Do you prefer to post real or idealized photos?
Preview photo credit hiittrainer / Reddit