14 Pics That Prove Dads Have the Best Humor
“Why did the ghost buy a box of bandages? Because he had so many BOO BOOs!” Sometimes a joke is so bad we groan, but it still makes us laugh. Dad humor is such a classic genre, it even has a place on governmental web pages.
Here at votreART, we love the creativity of dad humor, so we put together some pics to share the giggles.
1. Burr Martin trolls his daughter by recreating her selfies.
2. “Finally started working out again, and this is what my dad thinks.”
3. “Ladies and gentlemen, I present my father.”
4. “My girlfriend’s dad posted this with the caption, ’Can’t believe this guy left his GPS on his dash when he went in the store.’”
5. “We didn’t have 19 candles. My dad said the cake was 4 my birthday.”
6. “My dad ’tried’ to wrap a present this year.”
7. “Dad has just figured out how to use the front camera.”
8. “My dad wanted to take a nice picture with a waterfall at Yosemite.”
9. This father’s idea of Christmas decorations
10. “My dad’s pumpkin carving has a lot of personality!”
11. “My dad makes my stepmom take pictures of him doing weird things when we have record-breaking low temperatures.”
12. “My dad is adorable and his bad jokes always make me happy.”
13. “My dad asked me if I wanted an egg sandwich. I’m not even mad, this is genius!”
14. “My stepdad…he was the best!”
What puns and jokes did you hear from your dad? Do you tell any of them to your own kids? Let us know in the comments.
Preview photo credit therealburrmartin / Instagram