10 Pictures Of Pure Fashion Fails Which Would Make Us Laugh Out Loud
Fashion at times can b very critical of your choices, both for the choice you make and for the one you don’t. It is a very sensitive line where people tread and most of the times they tread along the borderline path. The fashion police is just so unforgiving that people just cant seem to have an off day when it comes to dressing up well. It comes as no surprise then there is a compilation of such fashion faux pass which would surely make everyone’s day except for the one who caused it in the first place.
Smile says it all
Whenever you smile the world smiles at me this is what we certainly feel when our loved ones smile but here the story appears to be so different. A letter disappears and gives the word a whole new meaning.
When things go wrong
It is completely okay that you have certain bad days when it comes to clothing but that shouldn’t stop you from experimenting, you would never know until you try, right?
Double Team
It is quite rare to find a couple where in both the partners are quite fashionable and similarly when both of them are known to have a fashion faux pas. But this is exactly what has happened here.
Now this is different
We are tired of the cliches and we guess mist of you too would quite be too. But this one turns the mother of all cliches upside down it says don’t be happy worry rather, what a fashion fail this
Does she even know
Its quite natural of various kinds on the web and most of them would freak you out with their sheer bizarreness and this one is right up there with absurdity written all over.
Someone wants to sneaks out
You purchase a certain kind of a shirt knowing fully well that how it is going to transform so you aren’t even left with the option of cribbing this to others, one may feel for this guy but he knew all along for what he had signed for right?
Live Reporting
One of the most demanding jobs is the profession of a news reporter who has so much going in and around that at times it gets difficult to match the pace which the job demands. So its quite understandable that you miss a beat here and there, and we would love to believe that this is what has happened here.
He seems to be a fan
We have seen fandom at great dizzying heights and this one is surely right up there with the very best, my heart will go on and our heart goes out to you.
Quite A T-Shirt
We have seen many a t-shirt with plenty of messages and satire well in place which rightfully question the system and asks pertinent questions.But about this one we aren’t quite sure.
VLC Media player?
This one surely is one of the very best you must have ever come across, a pant designed in terms of the VLC media player, what a tribute we say.