20 Of The Most Hilarious Moments In Mannequin History Ever
Mannequins live terrible lives as they are extorted by the employees who even detach their limbs and strip them naked on regular basis. Ha Ha, just kidding! Here is a compilation of the funniest mannequins moments.
What is he trying to do
Talk about ridiculous body image standards!
Tough luck
Cheers to the employee for an everyday pose.
Thats straight from anime
I love them! I’d like all mannequins were like them in order of those boring and unnatural poses
Poor little kid
Sorry kid, this milk machine’s out of order!
After a day’s work
When you are done for the day
This one’s nice
For the dad’s section
How cute is that
Just stand here for a minute with this nice lady, I’ll be right back.
Quite exhausted
That’s the most common pose of today’s exhausted society. Finally, fashion mannequins are being realistic.
What were they thinking
Was the mannequin maker high or something?
Flowers of a kind
We never knew we would see something like this
Quite spooky
I will cry too if I have to wear such horrible dresses.
Wedding is stressful, indeed
Looks like she’s having regrets already.
Meme material
When your football team shoots GOAL!!!!
I bet he feels nuts
How gross is that
Hanging around!
Where’re the kids? Oh, just hangin’ around.
Quite creepy
He is trying to swallow our souls, watch out!
Isn’t he rocking it
How difficult must it be to dress ones like this?
What are they upto
From the latest Kardashian line of mannequins.
Pretty glamorous
I have fallen glamorously!