10 Of The Most Awkward Looking Couples We Will Ever See
Often when two people meet, they connect at times, they strike a bond and no sooner they fall in love and stay together irrespective of what some people may say or think about them. Few awkward looking couples have height differences, some have weight differences or even at time age differences, but what matters is how they feel about each other. Some people say that love is blind. While everyone’s opinion on this may differ, what matters the most is that when two people care about each other, their love is all that matters—even if they look a little bit awkward together. So while you are thinking about love, this couples will get you.
When you get clicked this way
Seems to be a vintage picture doesn’t it when both of them are captured in such a cute candid way. But they surely look awesome together.
When pregnancy is a big thing
Both the pictures convey so much in so little, a guy in the left is worried that the result isnt positive but while the guy on the right is super happy with her partner being pregnant.
When she looks more masculine
In this picture the lady looks far upset with what has happened and for some strange reason she looks far more masculine than him strangely so.
Cutesy couple
They are so adorable that you would be left pondering who among the two is more cute, we guess one on the left?
Warm couples
Here we see two couples in the picture each distinctly different from the other but they are complimenting their partners in a way only they could.
Iconic Background
Couples nowadays have plenty of means through which they can look unique from others but we aren’t sure what they were thinking when they decided to have this for a background, we are sure they would know better.
What were they thinking
There have been plenty of photoshoots of couples where they look so into each other their chemistry is quite palpable but the way this guys have chosen to pose or their attire leaves a lot to be desired.
Is he even your partner?
We aren’t sure what is happening in this world, while not to say that couples can look unconventional but this is taking oddity to extreme heights.
Unibrow buddy
When you first have a look at them you will think hey whats wrong all is cool with them isnt it and then once when you give it a close glance you will realize that the guy has an unibrow.
Animal printed dresses
Couples can connect on various levels and fashion can be among them where the couple may decide to have some fun, here the couple along with the family have taken this concept a bit too far, what you think?