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A Comic About Girls Night Out With An Unexpected Twist

Are you ready for a rollercoaster of emotions? Because we have just the comic for you! You see, while the following comic might look like an ordinary comic about a girls night out, it is much more than that, and you will only be able to find that out if you read it till the

12 Things We’d Better Do at Night Instead of in the Morning

“I’ll think about it tomorrow,” Scarlett O’Hara used to remark. And she was sometimes wrong. Many tasks we do in the morning, such as taking a shower, are actually best done in the evening, according to studies. There’s also a freebie at the end that teaches how to achieve a good night’s sleep using a

5 Times This Dad Switched Gender Roles In His Daughter’s Disney Books

Disney is popular worldwide for its wonderful stories, but often it faces criticism because of its negative influence on young girls. In most classic Disney stories, the princess is defined by her physical appearance and is usually rescued by a prince, which makes young girls feel like they are supposed to fit into society’s beauty

30 Makeup Fails Submitted To This Online Group (New Pics)

Many of us are aware that doing makeup is not an easy task. It takes lots of time and dedication to learn the little nuances of this art form. People usually turn to professional makeup artists when it comes to a special occasion or a big day like a wedding. But even the pros fail

What Kids Who Once Became World Famous for Their Beauty Look Like Now

At the point when kids, who were once perceived by the world for their excellence, grow up, they may in any case decide to proceed with their grown-up life under the spotlight. Some may become entertainers, and others renowned models or powerhouses with a large number of supporters. All things considered, being utilized to the
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