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12 Celebrities Who Won Their Battle Against Drug Addiction

Drug addiction is one of the worst problems afflicting modern man. Both drug and alcohol addiction is rampant throughout America taking a huge toll of life and disrupting families as well. Celebrities’ too aren’t an exception being even more prone to the drug abuse because of denuding lifestyles. However, Even as several celebs like Kurt

6 Celebs Who Began Their Careers in Beauty Pageants

When it comes to beauty contests, around 2.5 million American females participate each year. Therefore, it’s no surprise that some of the most well-known celebrities began their careers there, showing that they were capable of capturing people’s attention from a young age with their beautiful looks and endless charisma. 1. Selena Gomez Selena Gomez posted a picture on Twitter of her as a child competing in a beauty pageant, proving she

20 Photos Of Funniest Moments People Who Were Caught On Camera

Here are the 20 photos of the funniest moments of people who were caught on camera. People captured the most beautiful, annoying, and amusing moments in daily life. You can find a few photos of brilliant and hilarious because they totally twist your perception of what is real. Scroll down and enjoy yourself. All photos

Fake Viral Pictures That People Believed To Be True

There’s a lot of fake news going around the world right now and, with a little help from Adobe Photoshop and other photo editing software, it’s almost impossible to distinguish between what’s real and what’s fake. People have become so skilled at editing images that they can lead them to believe something just by providing

People Share The Hilarious Differences In ‘My Parents Vs Me’ Tweets

Every generation, from Baby Boomers to Generation Z, has its own approach to lifestyles and values. To show the huge difference of one generation to another, people started a Twitter thread called ‘My Parents Vs Me’ challenge. The challenge is quite simple and straightforward: it aims to show how people are adapting to generational change.

20 Hilariously-Timed Moments Captured In The BeReal App

Real life is often different from how we try to portray it online. It isn’t always good and steady as how we post it online. It isn’t always bad and depressing, either. Most of the time, it just feels random, mundane, and spontaneous. This idea is better shown with these 20 BeReal uploads. For those
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