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20 Old Pics Of Celebrities You Might Not Have Seen Before

Celebrities frequently appear in the media. It follows that many of these images are undoubtedly used frequently in the media. Nevertheless, some pictures are still stashed away in a back corner, and not many people are aware of them. The Instagram page “Best of vintage style” gathers and posts those obscure old photos of famous

13+ Photos That Couldn’t Be More Perfectly Timed

Photography can help capture the perfect moment photographers want to remember, and maybe sometimes more perfect than what they have expected. Click through to find out the most exquisitely timed photos ever found. Photography can help capture the perfect moment photographers want to remember, and maybe sometimes more perfect than what they have expected. Click

8 Things You Should Never Do at the Gym

If you’ve ever been to a gym, you’ve surely seen some painful characters who don’t follow proper gym etiquette and make you wish you stayed home. We at votreART have listed the 8 rules you should be following to make the gym experience much more pleasant for yourself and your fellow gym goers. 8. Don’t leave equipment

29 People Whose Expectations Were Smashed to Pieces in an Instant

There’s not one person on this Earth that can honestly say that everything they’ve ever received has reached their expectations. There are simply some things that will never be up to standard. Sometimes, however, these ideas can be completely thrown out the window, because what’s advertised on the box, isn’t always what you receive. The saying goes, “Expect the unexpected.” But

19 Undergarment Rules That We Often Break Without a Second Thought

Our choice of underwear is no less important than our choice of outerwear. It forms our silhouette, and therefore it should fit like a glove. A bra strap peeking out from under your clothes or a translucent print on a bra can destroy your entire look, no matter how fashionable and well-fitted it is. At

Haunting Driftwood Forest Spirits By Japanese Sculptor

Japanese artists always impress with their unique imagination and special approach to creating art pieces. The techniques they come up with and their efforts to bring art and nature together are truly breathtaking, but also a bit inexplicable to those who do not belong to their culture and do not share a similar mindset. Nagato

30 Pics By Health Blogger Sara Puhto Comparing Instagram To Reality

Sara Puhto is a 23-year-old Finnish health blogger who isn’t afraid of showing how easy it is to fake Instagram photos by using herself as an example. She preaches body positivity by creating quirky side-by-side Instagram vs. Reality photos complete with motivational messages that explain why we shouldn’t believe everything we see on social media. “There’s always certain
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