20 Up-and-Coming Hollywood Actors Who Are Not Nepotism Products, According to This Online Group
Because they come from prominent families or have connections to key people in the industry, some young actors find roles more quickly than their colleagues. However, some performers succeed in Hollywood entirely as a result of their talent and diligence. Despite the prevalence of nepotism in many sectors, people seem to admire those who make their own way in talent-based careers more.
Consequently, when a Reddit user u/PM_me_Thor asked, people began naming a number of actors and actresses who came from modest origins and had no connections to the entertainment industry in response to the question, “Nepotism in Young Hollywood: Which Current Popular Actor/Actress is NOT a Product of Being Well-Connected and/or Rich?” View a few celebrities from that list by scrolling down.
More info: Reddit
#1 Jennifer Lawrence
Image source: dancersniper
“Jennifer Lawrence is def one. She’s such a good actress and comes from a normal background. Grew up in Kentucky and her parents run a summer camp for kids.”
#2 Brad Pitt
Image source: revocer
“Brad Pitt. Was working as the El Pollo Loco chicken on the corner of Sunset and La Brea while trying to make it in Hollywood.”
#3 Ryan Reynolds
Image source: givemethebat1
“Ryan Reynolds had a pretty humble background. I used to rent movies to his brother, back when rental stores were a thing.”
#4 Mark Ruffalo
Image source: staffsargent
“Mark Ruffalo is definitely not from a wealthy or well connected family. His family actually owns a pizza place in Kenosha, WI.”
#5 Adam Driver
Image source: PotentMiracleTonic
“I have a lot of respect for Adam Driver. He was the only main actor on Girls who didn’t come from privilege or didn’t have a parent who was already in the industry. Not surprisingly, he was the most successful actor after Girls ended.”
#6 Selena Gomez
Image source: sel017
“Selena Gomez. she literally came from nothing and worked as a child to support her family.”
#7 Steve Buscemi
Image source: Cats-over-People
“Steve Buscemi was a firefighter before making it as an actor, but I think that’s common knowledge by now.”
#8 Mila Kunis
Image source: Snake_Plissken224
“Mila Kunis used to work at the store her mom worked at even while she was staring on that 70s show to not let it go to her head.”
#9 The Olsen Twins
Image source: svargs01
“The Olsen Twins. They literally supported their families financially by working their entire lives and then people have the audacity to belittle them and act like everything was handed to them on a silver platter. They literally didn’t have a childhood and have always been working. They don’t get the respect they deserve. They’re now still massively successful with their fashion lines and have earned the privacy to stay out of the spotlight.
Their sister on the other hand definitely benefited from the pathway they paved. But I just think about all the child stars who were literally the sole support of their family and they had no control over it. People make jokes about child stars going down bad pathways, but that’s more on the environment and the industry than it is on the kids. Imagine blaming kids for being introduced to things at a young age they shouldn’t have been introduced to. Drew Barrymore’s talks about the things she was exposed to as a kid being part of a family dynasty are so disturbing and the media blames the kids and not the industry that cultivated that environment.
End of rant.”
#10 Chris Evans
Image source: blackrock55
“Chris Evans? Isn’t his dad just a plain old dentist?”
#11 Matthew Mcconaughey And Forest Whitaker
Image source: zetabur
“Matthew Mcconaughey and Forest Whitaker both came from Longview, TX. Both from modest families.”
#12 Dev Patel
Image source: amig_135
“First thing that came to mind was Dev Patel. Mother was a caregiver, father was an IT guy.”
#13 Taylor Lautner
Image source: Oniketojen
“I was suppose to be childhood friends with Taylor Lautner. (His dad would ask my mom for us to hang out together as children and play I guess?) He got the gig because his karate teacher just happened to know the yellow power ranger at the time according to my mom. And his dad was a jerk apparently.”
#14 Andrew Garfield
Image source: YomYeYonge
“Andrew Garfield’s parents were interior designers.”
#15 Dicaprio And Toby Maguire
Image source: mbattagl
“I think DiCaprio and Toby Maguire weren’t connected. They were best friends growing up though and came up in the business together.”
#16 Donald Glover
Image source: SPOOKESVILLE
“Donald Glover. Dad was a postal worker and his mom was a daycare provider. Went on to be an insanely talented musician, producer, actor, etc.”
#17 Elijah Woods
Image source: DigitalFireStorm
“Elijah woods parents ran a restaurant in Iowa city and weren’t particularly wealthy.”
#18 Jessica Chastain
Image source: thefrayedfiles
“Jessica Chastain. Grew up in a low income family and could only make it through Julliard thanks to a scholarship (actually awarded by a foundation led by Robin Williams, if I’m not mistaken).”
#19 Channing Tatum
Image source: Ihateregistering6
“Channing Tatum. Grew up in Alabama and Mississippi, he basically only got into showbiz by being signed as a dancer, and he was only a Dancer because he used to be a stripper.”
#20 Anna Kendrick
Image source: puppeteer23
“Anna Kendrick is one of the prominent ones I can think of. No show biz parents, got her start in theater as a kid.”