Street Photographer Captures Moments of Magic in Perfectly Timed Photos
Photographer Pau Buscató excels at being in the right place at the right time. For the last four years, he has focused his lens on the city streets, looking for illusions. His style of illusion photography highlights two (or more) otherwise everyday occurrences and makes them seem magical because they’re together. For instance, Buscató stands at just the right angle to capture moments when a dog’s snout aligns perfectly with a spigot or a man’s head disappears in a puff of smoke.
Buscató finds pleasure in looking for these occasions. “It’s a game for me, and the city is my playground,” he writes. It ensures that he stays young at heart and doesn’t become a disillusioned grown-up. “We build walls to appear stronger, more serious, more adult,” Buscató explains, “and so we leave behind that part of us that made us kids, the part that turned our backyard into wonderland and that tree into a fortress.” The ability to see the world’s through “a child’s eyes” is at the core of his compositions. “Play, to me, is all about being aware of the moment, and yet totally open to whatever happens.” It’s this attitude that gives his photographs a carefree ease about them and makes them a delight to view.
Buscató has an upcoming solo show called Hopscotch that opens in fall 2018 at the Fotografiens Hus in Oslo, Norway. You can see many more of his photographic coincidences on his Flickr.