15 Pics With Creativity Levels That Are Out of Range
Studies found that creative people live longer and healthier lives. One possible reason for this is the fact that creativity draws on a variety of neural networks within the brain. That helps individuals get their brains going, even into old age. Well, if creativity means longevity, buckle up, because we are going to show you some people that are basically immortal.
Bright Side is presenting you with 15 objects so incomprehensible that they make us wonder if their creators are actually living in the year 3022 already.
1. “These $180 denim boots”
2. “Burned my hand cooking and made it look better! I call him Ryan ’Goose-ling.’”
3. Just look at that Shrek car.
4. “This ’pump-kin’ at my OB/GYN’s office.”
5. “Realistic mug”
6. Does this look comfortable to you?
7. “Red Solo wine glass”
8. “This porcelain gravy cat”
9. “A handmade arcade machine at our barbershop that emulates a lot of 8 and 16-bit games”
10. “The 2-person toilet of many faces”
11. “Mushroom lamp”
12. They have their eyes set on you.
13. “I present to you: nightmare-worthy knick-knacks.”
14. “I found a turtle shell visiting Texas, took it home, and turned it into a planter.”
“Had to put in a ’string of turtles’ of course! Hope they hold up well!”
15. “For the TP hoarders out there…”
Have you ever found such a fascinating item buried in your home or in a store nearby? Tell us the story.
Preview photo credit never_FLAG_nor_FAIL / Reddit
One Response
Very interesting subject , thanks for putting up.