Recreating the Memories- This Group Is Sharing Their Past and Present Pics
Years pass by but memories are still there. To preserve those moments we invented photography as a way to stop the time. But thus the time can’t be brought back, instead, we may recreate the memories.
Rather it’s a silly moment capture in time or you are deadly sleeping in a weird position as a kid and your mom took a photo. Or you were just sitting in the grass with your love as most of the 80’s teens did these guys welcome it all.
It’s also amazing how many of the people featured in these photographs somehow still have the same outfit and that my friend is dedicated!
Of course, we collected a lot of them and brought them to you in hopes will make your day better. And why not inspire you to recreate your own.
For more content please check: r/PastAndPresentPics.
1. 40 Years Later…
2. Same Pride, Same Couple 25 Years Later (2017)
3. It’s All I Wanted For My 60th Birthday
4. The Most Poignant Pastandpresent Pic I’ve Seen To Date
5. Me As A Baby Wearing A Ridiculous Wig vs. Me At 21 With The Hair I Ended Up Growing
6. Couple At Woodstock 48 Hrs After They Met And 50 Years Later

7. When The Student Pulls A Reverse Uno On The Teacher..
8. My Sister And I Graduating Headstart vs. Us Graduating College
9. My Son And I Planted Our Faces On A Copier, Then And Now

10. My Parents Took Pictures Of Us Asleep In Weird Positions When We Were Kids. We Recreated The Photos As Adults, But Just Look Like A Bunch Of Drunks!

11. On The Left Was Mother In 1980. Now In 2014, Her Daughter.
12. From A Ten Your Old Cub Scout To A 27 Year Old Eagle Scout (Even The Hat Is The Same. Go Braves!!!)
13. Biff Got What He Deserved After Almost 35 Years.
14. For My Mom’s 60th Birthday, My Brothers, My Cousin And I Recreated A Photo From My First Day Of Kindergarten.
15. Only A Few Months Apart.
16. My Wife And I During A Dance In Sixth Grade And Then On Our Wedding Day
17. They Were Neighbours Since The Birth, The Photo Was Taken On The Bride’s 3th Birthday By Her Parents
18. My Sister Got Married Over The Weekend, So We Recreated This Gem From Our Childhood
19. 15 Years Later And We Still Have That Mall Photo Shoot Swagger!
20. My Grandma And Dad 1966 And 2020
21. I Found An Old Pic Of Me Playing Computer Games. As It Turns Out I Haven’t Changed Very Much

22. Brothers In A Bathtub. 20 Years Apart.
23. Passing Down The Baby Express To My Own Son
24. 15 Years Of Anniversaries. Can You Tell When It Stopped Being Taken With A Digital Camera And Began Being Taken With A Phone?
25. Same Beach, 25 Years Apart.
26. My Mom Holding Me 1979, My Mom Holding My Daughter In The Same Dress 2019.
27. Perfect Past And Present Strangers
28. My Sister And I, 1992 And 2014
29. I’ve Never Been Particularly Photogenic…
30. Every Five Years From 1982-2012, Five Men Take The Same Photo At Their Cabin At Copco Lake In California. They Plan On Adding A 2017 Photo This Summer.