30 Brilliant Perfectly Timed Street Photos By A Self-Taught Chinese Photographer
Street Photography has become widely appreciated and accepted as a form of art and expression in the past few years. The number of learners increasing day by day to understand how hard it is to get it right. Street photography requires a knack for capturing quirky and unexpected moments that others might miss.
People spent years learning the methods of street photography to get it correctly, but this is a talent that self-taught Chinese street photographer Tao Liu has in spades. Up until recently, he was just like any other water meter reader in China with an interest in photography. He spends his days working on the streets, where he can capture touching, unexpected, funny moments and sometimes perfectly timed street photos.
About three years ago, he developed a hobby in photography and bought a Fujifilm X100 to capture unexpected moments during his commutes and lunch breaks. He improved his talent by reading books and looking at other photographers work.
He began posting his images onto the Internet, and his work went viral in the Chinese social networks. Now it’s spreading all over the world, so check out what all the fuss is about!