30 Pictures Showing How Fake Instagram Photos Can Be
Judging by their Instagram photos, some people seem to be living the perfect lives – always on some kind of trip, driving fast cars and eating delicious food while looking their best. “Man, I wish my life was so perfect,” you may think. Well, the truth is that the “perfect” people in the photos aren’t so perfect at all – in most cases the end result that you see is nothing more than some clever angles, good lighting and lots and lots of Photoshop.
A subreddit called r/Instagramreality is all about exposing the fake photos people are posting on social media. Te@@ible photoshopping, betraying shadows and even fake clouds – it seems that there’s nothing some people wouldn’t do to look better on Instagram.
#1 That Cloud Wont Leave Her Alone..
Image source: your-missing-mom
#2 A Strong One
Image source: mr_kord
#3 Good Old Fashioned Facebook. These Are Going To Give Me Nightm@res
Image source: posey98
#4 Going Hiking
Image source: Muppy
#5 He “Travels” The World And He Has His Own Personal Fence Following Him Around The World
Image source: Purple_Lamas
#7 Don’t Doubt It
Image source: seemesometime
#9 Same Day Comparison
Image source: franklyfranka
#10 People Really Think They Can Photoshop Themselves Ten Pounds Lighter And Then Walk Out In Public Like No One Will Notice
Image source: EvalynHTX
#11 Spotted On Twitter
Image source: LoveSicKWAR
#12 Her Booty Just Melts Into The Seat
Image source: SweetJazz25
#14 All Her Pictures Look Like This
Image source: kentucky_bunny
#15 Not Insta But… I Can’t Even…
Image source: sinmantky
#16 This Sub Summarized In A Picture
Image source: MaddieThePie
#17 I Started Paying Attention To The Clouds Ever Since I Saw The Post On Here..
Image source: Snugglepuff1
#18 Sm()()th Cr@@minal
Image source: snowinginthesmoke
#19 I’m Literally Te@@ified
Image source: Joce7
#20 When You Facetune Your Skin To Oblivion But Forget To Adjust Your Claw
Image source: savage0ne1
#21 How Do You Breathe With A Nose This Thin
Image source: shrinkingbabe
#22 Me On Instagram vs. When You Walk Into Me At The Supermarket
Image source: GoldKatana
#23 This Hurt My Eyes
Image source: ichabod28
#25 100% White Swedish Influencer (Bl@ckfishing)
Image source: modudupup
#28 He Looks Like A Cgi Character. I Honestly Thought That’s What This Was, But His Whole Ig Is Extremely Edited Like This
Image source: austinpurrs
#29 Found This Titled: “Turn From Incel To Chad”
Image source: zombiekiler1001
#30 The Gift That Keeps On Giving!
Image source: Garden_Jose