40 Photos That Are the Very Definition of a Bad Day
40 Photos That Are the Very Definition of a Bad Day
When you’re having a hard go of it, sometimes it feels like there’s literally no one in the whole universe having a worse time than you… but these photos prove otherwise!
Unless, of course, you’re the subject of them – in which case, you have our condolences.
Yours is literally the worst day ever.
1: Why she would put her head in there to begin with is beyond us.
2: You tempted Fate, Ashleigh. And Fate loves to be tempted.
3: Mom said you could order pizza…but she didn’t say you could eat it.
4: She should lend her sweater to that poor guy without a zipper!
5: Everyone knows Apple products aren’t made to last…
6: At least it looks like the bottom layer isn’t all crapped up, right?
7: And now you’ve gotta drive all the way back to the gas station…ugh
9: We’re trying to figure out how such a large piece of equipment could be buried so deep…and we’ve got nothing. This defies all laws of the universe.
10: A tragedy to sandwiches everywhere…
11: The irony is that they now have to drive (very slowly and carefully) to the auto shop to have the gear shift replaced…
12: You might as well just lay down and die right here, because you are NEVER getting your shoelace out of that death trap.
13: The red label on the Coke bottle is for comparison…Ouch!
14: On the upside, if you stay in the car while going through the carwash, no one will see or hear you sobbing to yourself.
15: I don’t think that’s how you’re supposed to use the escalator…
16: Oh, wow…that’s um…that’s some great art, sweetie.