15+ Reasons why Ordering a Prom dress Online is never a good idea
Prom. This incident is really significant.
Dreaming and getting ready for the day take up a lot of girls’ time. What she will wear is the most crucial component, second only to her date’s identity.
The time when you had to only buy things that were available in physical stores is long gone. Your selections are now limitless and the world is your catalog. These alternatives may, however, come at a price.
You could shop at those physical establishments, but at least you and I can see with our own eyes what we’re paying for. We have the ability to assess the quality, try something out, and implement it.
Here are 50 examples of people who were stunned—and not in a good way, more like they were tasered—when they received their dresses.
1. Not quite there
From the waist down this dress is passable. Passable. It’s too big and kind of just hooks up the bodice. And the bra inserts? It’s just a joke.
2. The color is right
Did she order sleeves? Because I see sleeves. Did she send her measurements? Because it has as much shape as a paper bag. Will she be able to walk? So many questions
3. Hmm
I like to give credit where credit is due. After seeing some of the abominations people have received, it’s not too bad. The seamstress clearly has some skills. Great failure on the bra inserts though. In many ways.
4. Yep, stunned!
I bet these places have a no-return policy, too, right? You give your money to a website run by people on the other side of the world, who probably have dubious English skills, and they send you bullshit. Because it’s a piece of shit.
5. Contested
I’m sure there are challenges when someone larger orders a garment that has probably been created with a thinner fit in mind. But it goes far beyond that. It doesn’t even look like the same dress.
6. Too long?
Too big? Too falling? I would really, really, like to see what kind of mess they made of the back of the dress. I bet she’s got ass crack showing!
7. Not hideous
Far too big, but not hideous. The blur at the bottom is all wrong too. The good news? She could eat a huge meal without worrying about breaking–a pun intended–her dress. Anywhere.
8. Almost
I would say this one is the best. The fit looks perfect, and although it doesn’t have the train of the original a, it’s done pretty well. But these bra inserts seem to be above the paygrade of these online sellers.
9. It is difficult not to know
If I order a dress on my shoulder, that’s what I expect. Has this woman customized her order and asked for that? We really don’t know. Anyway, although the finish looks good, the dress is too big.
10. How?
Let me say that I sew. I sewed most of my life. I don’t even understand how you can do what was done to that dress. You can’t do that without noticing what’s going on.
11. Call an ambulance
First, it looks like she’s strangled by her dress. Second, was the panties added because the slit was too high? Or was it through demand and design. It’s not a bad line, but it’s still a failure.
12. Well…
I think part of the problem is that it’s too short in size for that dress. Or something. The dress is well built, but she’s not working on her body. This is the kind of thing that could be fixed when you pin in the changes while wearing the dress.
13. Too big
It’s attached to her body. She could probably get it fixed by someone who knew what he was doing. And they’d start with the stupid bra inserts.
14. I am confused
I looked at her a little, trying to understand what I see. Is it much too small for her? Is that his bra I see on the side? What’s going on?
15. Get your money back
Of course, that’s not the dress you ordered. That’s not at all. I want to know what the back looks like. Is it heart-shaped as it should be, or is it rounded as well?
16. Is it toilet paper?
Or maybe gauze? Anyway, this fabric has nothing to do with the original. If I can find one positive thing to say though, this dress doesn’t have the terrible bra inserts.