Amazing Dad Builds Functional Mini Replica of $28M Rolls-Royce Car Out of Wood for His Son
Woodworker Trương Văn Đạo is one of those parents that goes the extra mile for his son. The Vietnam-based artist runs his own workshop called ND Woodworking Art and has been constructing incredible replicas of cars, phones, and more from discarded wood. His latest creation is a stunning reproduction of the $28-million limited-edition Rolls-Royce Boat Tail, one of the most coveted vehicles in the world.
This life-size vehicle is more than a copy of the real thing. Đạo spared no effort in making his miniature Rolls-Royce a functional toy car. After creating the body of the convertible in wood—including seats, headrests, and a dashboard—he added an elegant glass windshield, working blue-colored headlights and taillights, and a battery-powered motor.
This incredibly hand-crafted car has the capability to go on a leisurely drive around the block. The front of the vehicle also includes classic Rolls-Royce emblems like the “RR” logo under the grill and a statuette of the Spirit of Ecstasy on the hood. Despite how remarkable every inch of the car is, the crowning feature is the butterfly trunk. Just like the original Boat Tail, Đạo’s wooden version is able to open up with two doors, revealing a set of glassware, an umbrella, and some juice to enjoy after you’ve reached your destination. The entire project took about 68 days, which Đạo worked in between his day job at Google. He recorded the entire process in a YouTube video.
You can see more amazing woodworking creations by subscribing to Đạo’s YouTube channel and liking his Facebook page.
A dad in Vietnam named Trương Văn Đạo built his son a toy replica of a Rolls-Royce Boat Tail using discarded wood.
Watch this video to see the full 68-day process:
Trương Văn Đạo: Facebook | YouTube
h/t: [Yanko Design]