Two Friends Show How The Same Clothes Look On Their Different Body Types (33 Pics)
It is right to have a good friend all the time. But there is no perfect match friend by thoughts, education, and even size. As friendship has no boundaries having a diverse friend, you can do cr@zy things. A pleasurable friend is needed for every girl who wishes for new adventures.
Being plus size is one of the t3rr1fy1ng th1ngs for a girl. Because of the figure size, it is hard to be stylish, and the social att3nt1on is high towards them. In such a kind of prevailing mindset, Denise Mercedes, a plus-size model together with her friend, started u-turn in the fashion industry. They launched a TikTok challenge titled “Style Not Size” by showing various styles. They both wear the same suits but in different sizes matches according to their body shapes. By proving beauty comes in all shapes and forms, they were able to attract millions of hearts.
As per Mercedes, when she was at the age of 16, she started the journey to become a model, but in that period, she was a bit short as per the industry standards. She started posting her outfits photos with a caption of #becauseitsmybody dedicated to women of all shapes and sizes. With passing a rough time, now she has collaborated with many fashion brands and boutiques like Forever21, Target, and JCPenney.
Two Friends Show How The Same Clothes Look On Their Different Body Types
Two Friends Show How The Same Clothes Look On Their Different Body Types
Two Friends Show How The Same Clothes Look On Their Different Body Types
Two Friends Show How The Same Clothes Look On Their Different Body Types
Two Friends Show How The Same Clothes Look On Their Different Body Types
Two Friends Show How The Same Clothes Look On Their Different Body Types
Two Friends Show How The Same Clothes Look On Their Different Body Types
Two Friends Show How The Same Clothes Look On Their Different Body Types
Two Friends Show How The Same Clothes Look On Their Different Body Types
Two Friends Show How The Same Clothes Look On Their Different Body Types
Two Friends Show How The Same Clothes Look On Their Different Body Types
Two Friends Show How The Same Clothes Look On Their Different Body Types
Two Friends Show How The Same Clothes Look On Their Different Body Types
Two Friends Show How The Same Clothes Look On Their Different Body Types
Two Friends Show How The Same Clothes Look On Their Different Body Types
Two Friends Show How The Same Clothes Look On Their Different Body Types
Two Friends Show How The Same Clothes Look On Their Different Body Types
Two Friends Show How The Same Clothes Look On Their Different Body Types
Two Friends Show How The Same Clothes Look On Their Different Body Types
Two Friends Show How The Same Clothes Look On Their Different Body Types
Two Friends Show How The Same Clothes Look On Their Different Body Types
Two Friends Show How The Same Clothes Look On Their Different Body Types
Two Friends Show How The Same Clothes Look On Their Different Body Types
Two Friends Show How The Same Clothes Look On Their Different Body Types
Two Friends Show How The Same Clothes Look On Their Different Body Types
Two Friends Show How The Same Clothes Look On Their Different Body Types
Two Friends Show How The Same Clothes Look On Their Different Body Types
Two Friends Show How The Same Clothes Look On Their Different Body Types
Two Friends Show How The Same Clothes Look On Their Different Body Types